Thursday, December 26, 2013

What Do You Want by Posting the Fake Breastfeeding Photo?

What Do You Want by Posting the Fake Breastfeeding Photo?

I guess young actress Emily Rossum couldn’t help but poke fun at Gisele Bundchen by posting a picture of her in a makeup chair with a doll attached to her breast. Apparently, the fake baby drew a lot of positive attention to Emily, as she received over six thousand likes on her Twitter account within the first hour of posting the fake breastfeeding photos. 

This picture taken in fun comes a day after Gisele Bundchen posted a picture on her Twitter account while boasting, “What would I do without this beauty squad after 15 hours flying and only three hours of sleep?” The photo featured Gisele in a chair wearing a robe where she breast fed her year old infant Vivian. This photo was featured in support of breast feeding; something the model has publically spoken out in support of through the media. 

Gisele Bundchen’s Twitter has been usually used as a means to post pictures of her darling children and everyday life. She posted other pictures of her and her cute baby; specifically one of her doing yoga stretches with her year old daughter stretching right beside her. The Victoria’s Secret model captioned the photo, “Thank you auntie Fafi for capturing this special moment”.

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