Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Bright Wayfarer Glasses for Celebrity Couples

Bright Wayfarer Glasses for Celebrity Couples

The Ray Ban wayfarer is the famous and always-in-vogue sunglasses produced by Ray Ban. While Wayfarer-style sunglasses are worn by the "cool" set, Wayfarer-style glasses or spectacles are recognized as fashion for all the nerdy and geeky people in the world. Today, Wayfarer-style casings are by a wide margin the most well-known glasses style for nerds.

There are many celebrities as well as celebrity couples who are the unofficial baton bearers of these vintage glasses. “Saving Mr. Banks” star Jason Schwartzman and his boutique owner wife Brady Cunningham have taken this one step ahead by adorning two of the most vibrant and unimaginable colored frames of wayfarer glasses. The pink glasses frames worn by Ms. Cunningham can never go unnoticed anywhere and it reinstates pink as a “girly” color. The couple did not just match their eye-wear, but even their clothes! Jason was wearing a pink t-shirt which totally complemented his wife’s pink sunglasses. Jason and Brady are expecting their second child next year and have again decided to keep the baby’s gender a surprise till he/she arrives. They did the same with their first child, daughter Marlowe, who was born in the year 2010. Maybe those bright nerdy frames are helping them with turning a blind eye towards media speculation and curiosity.

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