Monday, December 2, 2013

Gaga, the Mother Monster, Wows the American Music Awards 2013

Gaga, the Mother Monster, Wows the American Music Awards 2013

International pop music entertainer, Lady Gaga, known to her fans as the “mother monster”, did what she does best at the recently held American Music Awards 2013.
Famous for her outlandish, avant-garde choice of clothing, Gaga did not disappoint as she performed her latest song, a collaborative effort between herself and R&B singer, R.Kelly, titled, “ do what u want”. Dressed to impress and awe in a lilac and purple custom designed by Versace, the singer arrived in style, sitting atop a human horse, and went on to switch over to a Marilyn Monroe like outfit for her performance. 

Gaga and R.Kelly performed their chart topping number via a controversial sequence which involved the R&B star portraying the role of the United States president, who is shown to be indulging in certain eyebrow-raising activities with his personal secretary, portrayed by Gaga, in a set which resembled the Oval Office. The collaboration between Kelly and Gaga has already resulted in much talk about their friendship and mutual respect for one another. Two controversial artists performing what appears to be a cheeky parody of yesteryear’s Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky debacle in a song which is sure to get partygoers moving is a sign of good things to come in the music world.

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