Thursday, November 28, 2013

Striking: Courtney Love Miraculously Regained Her Lost iPhone

Courtney Love Miraculously Regained Her Lost iPhone
Courtney Love recently had a very lucky break. She was riding cabs last night when she left her iPhone in one of them. This would normally mean that the iPhone would be lost but luckily the iPhone was discovered by New York Times columnist Frank Bruni.
The phone was locked and he could not access the content. However, his assistant realized that the phone belonged to Courtney Love as she could view incoming messages and Instagram notifications. Bruin and Love communicated with each other through tweets and the phone was restored to her. New York Magazine spoke to Frank Bruni who narrated his finding of the phone and eventually discovering that it belonged to Courtney Love. 

Bruni mentioned that the incident may be the beginning of a friendship and the two exchanged light-hearted tweets. Courtney Love was quite fashionably dressed as is usual for her. She was wearing rather thick glasses with black frames. These fashion sunglasses were also rather large and framed her face very well and were a contrast to her fair hair. She also wore a rather stylish printed coat and dark top which gave her a very sophisticated look. The story is quite surprising and shows a strange coincidence and lucky turn for Courtney Love.

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