Sunday, September 22, 2013

Pity poor Chris Brown: ‘Instead of being an artist, I’ve been called a woman beater’

Chris Brown covers the new issue of Jet, and OMG, his interview is… delusional. I guess that’s the right word. At this point in his life, Chris sees himself as one of the biggest victims in the world. The world – “White America” in particular – is racist and out to make him fit into some kind of violent, thuggish box. Nevermind that not a year goes by without Chris doing violent, thuggish things like almost killing his girlfriend and leaving her for dead, or throwing violent temper tantrums in news studios, or lying about hiscommunity service. In Chris’s mind, he’s like Jesus Christ and Trayvon all mixed together, only no one can see his martyrdom because everyone is always conspiring against him and trying to “enslave” him, trying to make him suicidal. You think I’m being hyperbolic? I’m not. This interview is insane:
Chris Brown knows he’s done some terrible things in his past. What he doesn’t know is why the public can’t forgive him for those things — especially when they’ve been so willing to overlook other people’s mistakes. Speaking about his bad reputation in the Oct. 14 issue of Jet magazine, the 24-year-old singer singles out hip hop mogul Jay Z as an example of someone who, in his opinion, has gotten off scot-free.
“This is something I’ve been dealing with for the past maybe five years,” he told Jet, per CNN. “Anybody with a voice – Tupac, Michael Jackson, the Notorious B.I.G. – gets formatted … except maybe for Jay Z, who is accepted by White America because he shakes hands and kisses babies. No disrespect, because I’m a fan, but nobody brings up the fact that he stabbed somebody and sold drugs. He gets a pass.”
In 2001, Jay Z pleaded guilty to stabbing record producer Lance “Un” Rivera at a 1999 listening party in Manhattan. Brown believes the “Magna Carta” rapper got off easy for this, but he himself still can’t move past the 2009 Rihanna assault.
“You have to go through the struggle before you can get to the good part. I don’t try to lash out at people, or be as mad or impulsive as I used to be. I got to the point where it’s only so much you can take from the master, you feel me?” he told Jet. “I’ve taken my fair share of lashings. I’ve dealt with the media. Instead of being an artist, I’ve been called a woman beater; I’ve been insulted in public and judged. And being able to not want to kill yourself at the end of the day is what made me say, ‘F**k it.’”
The Virginia native even went so far as to compare himself to Trayvon Martin.
“I identify with Trayvon 100 percent as far as living in 2013 and still dealing with blatant racism,” he told the magazine. “This generation is so used to racism that it’s normal; we don’t care. We aren’t on drugs or catching AIDS, but they still look at us as ni**as.”
[From Us Weekly & HuffPo]
Let’s just go through some points. First, the Jay-Z thing. No question, Jay-Z has a shady past. But it also helps that Jay spent a significant amount of time legitimizing his business ventures and working on his self-control. Jay-Z doesn’t throw chairs. He’s not constantly whipping it out and trying to make everyone kiss his ring. Jay has matured significantly. And he’s done it all without resorting to this kind of intensive, self-pitying wallow. It’s not that Jay-Z gets a “pass” – it’s that he owned his mistakes, he learned from them and he grew and changed and became a better person.
“I don’t try to lash out at people, or be as mad or impulsive as I used to be.” Slow-clap for Sucky Baby. He’s TRYING not to be as violent and tempermental as he used to be, doesn’t he get credit for that?! Y’all are slave-masters.
“Instead of being an artist, I’ve been called a woman beater” – it’s like he doesn’t even realize that he was called a woman-beater BECAUSE HE BEAT A WOMAN. He accepted a plea deal because he beat a woman. We can call him a woman-beater because HE IS.
As for the Trayvon stuff… ugh, Sucky Baby exhausts me. I can’t anymore.

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